Why the Bushcraft Man?

by | May 13, 2019

When ever I go into schools or groups I sometimes hear,’ here comes Mister’ , ‘here comes Jonathan’ or ‘Mr Earle!!’ But 100’s of times a week I hear ‘it’s The Bushcraft Man!!!’

I was looking through some YouTube videos and thought it was great platform to teach. So I will be developing a number of videos to compliment outdoor learning and get people involved in what Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC is all about: ‘Outdoor Education, First Aid, Bushcraft & Common Sense’

I will be adding future Bushcraft posts about recipes & courses

find out more!

The Bushcraft Man runs Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC. 

Please visit our main website for information on our Bushcraft Clubs, Community Projects, Curriculum linked Outdoor Learning for Schools, Training Courses and Volunteering opportunities. 

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